Your Trek - Solution Prototype

YourTrek was an interactive website and application proposal for Claremont Graduate University’s User Experience Strategy and Design (CGU 350UX) course. During this course we had to create our own UX product for a final project geared towards the generation of a speicif value innovation proposition that solved a hypothesized and validated user problem in the LA county area.

During a period of custormer discovery provisional personas were established, user interviews were carryied out, and competitive analyses on products currently in the market were completed. Additionally, we had to create our own workable prototype to validate our own user research and test our value innovation for customers in our delegated subject pool.

For a link to a slide deck presentation of the Prototype press the Slides button at the top of the screen above.

The prototype can also be accessed through Adobe XD at the following link presented below:

Christopher J. Schmank
Christopher J. Schmank
Instructor/Assistant Professor
User Experience Researcher

User experience consultant working at my undergraduate university teaching Statistics and Cognitive Psychology. My academic research interests include psychometrics and statistical modeling, as well as the impact of regulating emotions and stress on cognitive ability. Learn more at my Academic Website